Author Guidelines


The writing language of the journal is Turkish and English. Publications written in Turkish should be written at least 1500 words structured (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion) Extended Summary in English. The English Extended Summary will be requested when the manuscript is accepted after peer review.  For publications written in English, the structured extended abstract is not required.

It is recommended that the article to be submitted to the journal be checked for compliance with the spelling rules before uploading it to the system. For the submitted article to be included in the evaluation process, it must be organized according to the article writing template. Click here to access the article writing template.....


Manuscripts must be edited in accordance with the following guidelines before submission to our journal. It is recommended that you use the article writing template for this.

2.1. Page Structure

The page should be A4 size. Margins should be arranged as "Center" (2.54 cm from top and bottom; 1.91 cm from left and right). In the entire text (excluding abstract headings, tables and figures) Paragraph General; Alignment; Justify, Outline level Body Text, Indent; Left and Right 0 (zero), Spacing; first 0 (zero), then 6nk, Line spacing should be single.

2.2. Article Title

The title should summarize the topic in the best way and should not exceed 12 words. The Turkish title should be in all capital letters, 14 pt, font Calibri, bold, and 12nk paragraph spacing before and after the title. After the Turkish title, the English title should be written with 12nk paragraph spacing. The English title should be written in 12-point font and the first letters of the words should be capitalized. After the English title, 18nk paragraph spacing should be given.

2.3. Author Names and Addresses

Author names should be written after the title in English, aligned in the center with a paragraph spacing of 18nk before and after the title. If there is more than one author name, they should be written side by side with a comma between them. The author's name should be written in 10-point font, Calibri font, bold, and all initials of the first name and surname should be capitalized.

Author titles, institutions, ORCID information and e-mail addresses should be included as footnotes on the first page. Footnotes should be in Calibri font, 8-point font and single-spaced.

In articles with two or more authors, the phrase "corresponding author" should be written before the title in the footnote.

2.4. Abstract

Abstract in Turkish and English (including keywords). It should be in the range of 250-300 words. It should consist of a single paragraph.  It should reflect the entire article in the shortest way (purpose, method, findings, results and recommendations). It should be in Calibri, 9 font size, single-spaced, justified. Under the abstract, keywords (4-6) that reflect the integrity of the study should be given.

Keywords: The first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized and the others should be written in lower case (except for proper names and abbreviations with capital letters).

2.5. Subheadings

The following rules should be followed in writing the subheadings in the text:

First level subheadings should be in 11 pt, all letters capitalized and bold, left justified (Introduction, Method, Results, Conclusion, Discussion, Recommendations). Paragraph spacing should be 12 spaces before and 6 spaces after.

Second level headings should be written in 11 pt, the first letters of the words should be capitalized and bold, left justified. Paragraph spacing should be 6 spaces before and after

Third level headings should be written in 10 pt. font size, the first letters of the words should be capitalized and bold, justified to the left. Initial spacing should be 6 pt before and after

Fourth-level headings should be in 10-point font, the first letters of the words should be capitalized and italicized and justified to the left. Paraf spacing should be 6 pt before and after

If conjunctions such as with, and are used in subheadings, these suffixes should always be written in lower case.

2.6. Main Text

The entire research text should be written in "Calibri" font; 10 point size. The "tab" key should not be used at the beginning of paragraphs and the "enter" key should not be used between paragraphs. A space of 1 character should be left after punctuation marks such as periods and commas. The text should be single-spaced throughout the text. Paragraph spacing should be set to 6 pt. after each paragraph.

2.7. Figures

Maps, photographs and graphics in the text should be named as "Figure". Figures should be arranged in a resolution that will not cause problems in downsizing and printing, by choosing a smooth and sufficient line thickness. Figures should be numbered separately starting from "1" and the title of each figure should be written below the figure, in 9 pt, centered, with the first letters of the words capitalized. There should be 12nk paragraph spacing before and after the figures. Figures must be cited in the text. Figure 1 should be written as.

2.8. Tables

Like figures, they should be numbered separately starting from "1". The text in the table should be in 8-point font size. The title of the table should be above the table, centered, the first letters of the words should be capitalized, 9 pt. Design of the table: the line height of the table should be 0.4 cm, the table should be centered, and its width should not exceed the width of the page text. Tables should be cited in the text with their numbers. There should be 12 pt paragraph spacing between the table and the text (before and after). If a reference is to be given for the table, it should be under the table, left-aligned, italicized, initial letters capitalized and 7-point font size.

Table specifications Size preferred width should be maximum 17 centimeters; Alignment should be centered; Text should be set so that there is no scrolling.

2.9. Emphasis, Footnotes and Article Ordering

If emphasis is desired; it should be italicized and written in 9 pt.

Footnotes should only be used for title and author explanations and should be numbered at the bottom of the page. When it is necessary to add footnotes, numbers should be used. Footnotes should be written in 8 pt. font size, with a paragraph spacing of 3 pt. from the bottom. If the information given in the text is listed in item order, numbers should not be used. Instead, the * sign should be used.

2.10. Citing References in the Text

The following rules should be followed in citing references in the text and the examples given should be taken as basis. References should never be cited in the form of footnotes.

a. When citing single-author sources in the text (Sezer, 2017), refer to Sezer (2017) or Sezer (2012).

b. When citing sources with two authors in the text

(Sezer and Inel, 2018) or Sezer and Inel (2018)

c. When referring to publications with three or more authors in the text, in the first citation

 (Sezer, İnel, Deniz, & Uluçınar, 2016) or Sezer, İnel, Deniz, & Uluçınar (2016).

In the second and subsequent notations

(Sezer et al., 2016) or Sezer et al. (2016).

d. In cases where there is more than one source, a semicolon (;) should be placed between the sources and they should be written in order of publication year (from oldest to newest):

(Sezer & İnel, 2011; Sezer, 2015; Deniz & Uluçınar, 2018)

e. When citing an inaccessible publication in the text

Inel (2001) (as cited in Uluçınar, 2015)

Along with this source, the source of the citation should also be indicated. In the bibliography at the end of the text, only the "cited by" information should be included:

f. Studies belonging to institutions and organizations should be indicated as follows.

(Ministry of National Education, 2018) or Ministry of National Education (2018)

g. Direct quotations should be written in 9-point font within "." quotation marks.

2.11. Contribution and Acknowledgment

If there are other contributors to the article other than the author, these names should be mentioned separately at the end of the article.

In studies supported by a research institution or organization, the name of the organization providing the support, the name of the project, the date, number, and number (if any) should be given.

2.11. Contribution and Acknowledgment

If there are other contributors to the article other than the author, these names should be mentioned separately at the end of the article.

In studies supported by a research institution or organization, the name of the organization providing the support, the name of the project, the date, issue and number (if any) should be given.

2.12. Conflict of Interest Declaration

In accordance with the editorial policy of the Journal of Future Visions/Future Visions Journal (fvj), in articles (original scientific research articles, case reports and reviews) submitted to the journal for publication, the actual contributors should be listed as authors. The author(s) of the article must declare that there is no personal or financial conflict of interest within the scope of the study. This declaration should be stated at the end of the article under the heading "Conflicts of Interest" (The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest). Authors' contributions to the manuscript should be indicated in proportion. If not stated, all authors are considered to have contributed equally.

2.13. Appendices

Additional information, plans, tables, figures, figures, graphs and pictures, if any, should be given on a new page after the bibliography. Each appendix should be titled separately (such as Appendix 1, Appendix 2). Headings should be given as main headings and information should be given in the same way as the main text.

2.14. The bibliography should be organized in accordance with the examples given below.

Works are listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors.
Works by the same author are ordered from the oldest date to the newest.
For the works of the same author with the same date, the letters "a, b, c,..." are placed at the end of the date:
Sezer, A. (2012a)
Sezer, A. (2012b)

For works of unknown authorship, the title of the work is substituted for the author's name.


Akkuş, A. (2014). Genel Fiziki Coğrafya (3. Baskı). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık

Chapter from the Book
Pınar, A. (2021). Coğrafya öğretiminde CBS kullanımı. A. Sezer (Ed.), Coğrafya öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal tasarımı içinde (s. 215-245). Pegem Akademi.

Translation Book

Flint, C. V & Taylor, P.J. (2014). Siyasi Coğrafya. (Çev. F. Ereker). Nobel


Tanyeri, L. (2019). Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinde sağlık algısının incelenmesi. Future Visions Journal, 3(2), 23-28. doi: 10.29345/futvis.75.

Şanli, C., Fesliyen, Z. & Pinar, A. (2019). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin harita beceri düzeylerine yönelik bir eylem araştırması: Kulu örneği. Future Visions Journal, 3(3), 9-23. doi: 10.29345/futvis.91

Report/News Bulletin

Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2021). Dönemsel gayrisafi yurt içi hasıla, III. Çeyrek: Temmuz - Eylül, 2021.,-2021-37183&dil=1


Deniz, M. (2013). Nazilli ilçesinin beşeri ve ekonomik coğrafyası [Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi]. Uşak Üniversitesi.

Congress Presentation


Sezer, A. (2021, 26-27 Ekim). Türkiye ilk orta ve ise öğretim programlarında su eğitimi. V. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Kongresi [Sözlü Bildiri Sunumu]. Ankara, Türkiye

Conference Proceedings Full Text Book

Sezer, A. (2021). Türkiye ilk orta ve lise öğretim programlarında su eğitimi. V. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (ed. Turhan ÇETİN - Haşim ÖZÜDOĞRU - Hasan KARA), 180-194. Ankara, Türkiye

Electronic Resources

MEB, (2016). Öğretim programları,, Retrieved from.

When organizing the bibliography, the principles specified in the Spelling rules must be followed. For situations not specified in the spelling rules, APA 7 referencing principles apply.


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