Aim and Scope


Future Visions Journal/Future Visions Journal (FVJ) is an international refereed journal. It started its publication life in 2017. It aims to contribute to science. Information is valuable and very difficult to produce. The information produced must be delivered to the target audience. FVJ aims to contribute to the dissemination of the information produced in the most accurate and fastest way. In this process, scientific principles and ethical rules are important. The journal is published in Turkish and English. It is published four times a year (March, June, September, December). Articles submitted to the journal are evaluated according to the blind review system. Articles published in the journal are made available to readers free of charge.


Future Visions Journal/Future Visions Journal (FVJ) publishes articles produced as a result of scientific studies conducted in accordance with scientific principles and ethical rules in the fields of Social Sciences (Geography, History, Literature, Law, Art History, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, ......), Social Sciences Education (Geography Education, History Education, Language Education, ......) and Educational Sciences (Educational Programs and Teaching, Educational Psychology, Educational Sociology, Educational Administration, ........).

Blind Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable for further consideration, to blind peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. The Editor is supported by an active international editorial board. All refereeing is double-blind. Submissions to this journal are managed via an online submission system.

Rapid publication

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 30 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 5 days.

Publishing Ethics


Every author listed on a journal article should have made a significant contribution to the work reported (in terms of research conception or design, or acquisition of data, or the analysis and interpretation of data). As an author or co-author, you share responsibility and accountability for the content of your article. The authors are responsible for the contents of the articles.


When quoting from someone else's (or your own) previous work, please be sure to:

  • The verbal text quoted from the source should be explicitly referenced.
  • Text and Reference section, resources should be given clearly and in proper format.
  • Permission should be obtained from the original publisher and rights holder when using previously published figures or tables.
  • It is advisable to report from a plagiarism detection program to avoid any plagiarism that may arise. The received report can be sent to the system together with the article. The writers are responsible for the plagiarism that may arise.

Data Fabrication / Falsification

All data must be accurate and represent your research. In some cases, the editor may request that the raw data be loaded as an additional file for publication. Data generation/forgery cases will be checked by editors and referees. But the responsibilities that may arise belong to the author. If necessary, communication with authors can be made to support raw data. In order to help further evaluation of the articles and claims, the FVJ Editor Board members can be contacted. If the description is unsatisfactory, the application will be rejected and future notifications will not be accepted.

Conflicts of Interest

The conflict of interest between the authors, the research funding source, the direct or indirect financial support, the equipment-material base, or any other support should be clearly indicated in the relevant part of the article.


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