About Us

Future Visions Journal (FVJ) is four times a year, international journal publishing peer-reviewed research in social sciences and educational sciences. FVJ publishes articles both in Turkish and English.  FVJ seeks out the contributions that measure up to the highest excellence in scholarship but that also speaks to an audience of non-specialists. Future Visions journal (FVJ) follows Open Access as a publishing model. Future Visions journal (FVJ) is designed to publish up-to-date researches findings for the scientific community. FVJ focuses on scientific development without any financial disparity. Published articles are freely available to all readers.


The authors of the articles published in Gelecek Vizyonlar Dergisi - Future Visions Journal retain the copyright of their article(s) and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Published work in our journal are under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For further details see Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Open Access Policy

All articles in FVJ are open to using by the general public; all content may be read, distributed, and used free of monetary charge and without permission from the publisher or author(s) provided that the source is cited.

All articles are accessible online immediately upon publication, without Article Processing Charges (APCs) or Article Submission Charges (ASCs). Our Journal supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative. Thus, the open-access policies are adopted by the editorial board. You can reach BOAI definition via http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/read 

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