Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi | Open Access
Gelecek Vizyonlar Dergisi 2019, Vol. 3(2) 18-22
pp. 18 - 22 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29345/futvis.70
Publish Date: Aralık 03, 2021 | Number of Views: 27/532 | Number of Download: 40/1.168
In this study, it was aimed to determine the density of mast cells in the kidney using different fixatives in Goldfinch (Cardueli carduelis). In the present study, 1-2 years three female Goldfinch(Cardueli carduelis) were used. Kidney tissues were included in 10% formaldehyde solution (24-48 hours) and in Bouin solution (16-18 hours). Samples were passed through routine tissue processing and embedded in parafin. Sections (5-6µ) were stained for general morphological purposes with haematoxylin and eosin (H & E) stains. For mast cells identification and density; serial cross section were performed 0.5 % toluidine blue and alcian blue pH 0.3- safranin combination methods. Lastly, preparations were examined under light microscope (Leica DM 500) and appropriate locations were photographed. Mast cells were localized in the medulla, interstitium around renal tubules, cortex, interstitium around glomeruli and the blood vessels . As a result, fixed in Bouin solution of mast cells were showed more clearly metachromatically in pH 0.5 TB applications. In AB / SO combined dye application, mostly blue alcian blue (AB) (+) and less red safranine (SO) (+) cells were detected, while red-blue AB / SO (+) (mixed) mast cells were not detected.
Keywords: Alcian Blue-Safranin, Fiksatif, Mast Hücresi, Toluidine Blue, Saka
APA 7th edition
Sahin, M., & Senol, N. (2019). Determination of Mast Cells of Kidney with Different Fixative and Histochemical Staining in Goldfinch (Cardueli carduelis (L.,1758)) Saka (Cardueli carduelis (L.,1758)) / Böbreğinde Mast Hücrelerinin Farklı Fiksatif ve Histokimyasal Boyanmalarla Belirlenmesi. Gelecek Vizyonlar Dergisi, 3(2), 18-22. https://doi.org/10.29345/futvis.70
Sahin, M. and Senol, N. (2019). Determination of Mast Cells of Kidney with Different Fixative and Histochemical Staining in Goldfinch (Cardueli carduelis (L.,1758)) Saka (Cardueli carduelis (L.,1758)) / Böbreğinde Mast Hücrelerinin Farklı Fiksatif ve Histokimyasal Boyanmalarla Belirlenmesi. Gelecek Vizyonlar Dergisi, 3(2), pp. 18-22.
Chicago 16th edition
Sahin, Melda and Nurgul Senol (2019). "Determination of Mast Cells of Kidney with Different Fixative and Histochemical Staining in Goldfinch (Cardueli carduelis (L.,1758)) Saka (Cardueli carduelis (L.,1758)) / Böbreğinde Mast Hücrelerinin Farklı Fiksatif ve Histokimyasal Boyanmalarla Belirlenmesi". Gelecek Vizyonlar Dergisi 3 (2):18-22. https://doi.org/10.29345/futvis.70